British Values


British Values are an important part of school life at Bentley High Street Primary. 

British values are broken into 4 key areas 


  • Everyone is listened to and children are taught to respect and listen to others ideas and opinions. Our learning monster 'Listening Larry' ensure this is embedded in classroom practise. 
  • School council representatives are voted for by their classmates and have weekly meeting where they discuss school, local, national and global issues and children are encouraged to have their say on how school is ran!
  • Children vote for a number of things throughout the year; the local charity they want to support to which songs we will sing in singing assembly.  
  • Children are encouraged to have their own opinions and voice through debates and the running of the school. This is done through the curriculum, voting for their school council representatives and assemblies. 

Rule of Law 

  • At Bentley High Street Primary School we have a tight behaviour policy that teaches children behaviour and expectations. It covers classroom and learning behaviours, playtime and lunchtime behaviours and assembly expectations. Adults model and lead by example in encouraging children to respect the law.
  • We believe behaviour is 'taught not caught'
  • Through our behaviour curriculum we ensure children know how to behave and what behaviours are apprioriate. 
  • We are fortunate to have visits from the Police and Fire and Rescue services which help educate children on the law and reinforce messages.
  • The importance of laws, whether they support an individual, class, school or country are consistently taught and embedded across school. 

Individual Liberty

  • Within school pupils are encouraged to make their own choices. 
  • Pupils assess their own learning and set themselves appropriate challenges. 
  • We offer a range of extra-curricular activities which children are encouraged to join.
  • Children are given the opportunity to access a wide range of pupil leadership roles including school librarian, school council member and anti-bullying ambassador. 
  • We encourage all children to make their own choices and feel confident to do this in our safe school community.
  • Children are encouraged to step out of their comfort zone with their learning and try new things, whilst developing resilience and motivation to succeed in life.
  • Through Jigsaw (PSHE curriculum) and the Safeguarding Curriculum, children are taught their rights and responsibilities. 

Mutual respect for and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs and for those without faith. 

  • Respect is key part of our vision and values which are pupils helped create. 
  • Through SMSC children are educated on the importance of respect and tolerance. 
  • We celebrate different faiths and beliefs through our RE curriculum. 
  • Respect is one of our Simply The Best school rules. We respect each other, we respect property and we respect the invaluable time spent in lessons. This covers everything from beliefs, cultures, religions and the celebration of different communities we have within school.
  • We visit and have visitors from different religions to share their celebrations and beliefs with our children.
  • We have a fantastic link to St. Peters Church in Bentley where we are able to share experiences with one another. Our diverse curriculum ensures children know about people from different religions through the topics covered. 




Please see below our British Values class assembly that we share with our pupils.