Year 4

Welcome to Year 4

Meet the Team

Miss Rhodes
4R Class Teacher

Miss Drake
4D Class Teacher

Mrs Saunders 





Our topic this term is …

During the first half term, we will be learning about the Shang Dynasty.

The Shang Dynasty were the first of three major dynasties in Ancient China. This took place during the Bronze Age. The Shang had a class structure, with a King and Nobles at the top and slaves at the bottom. We will learn all about this class structure and consider whether we think this is fair. 

Our class novels this half term: The Witches by Roald Dahl

Our behaviour focus: Terrific Transitions 

Maths Focus: We start off learning all about place value. We will know how to represent numbers up to 1000 and we will then move on to partitioning and ordering numbers. We even explore numbers up 10,000! 

English Focus:

In English, we will be focusing on writing two different pieces. They will both be using our class text, The Witches, as a stimulus. The first will be a recount of an event from The Witches in which the children will consolidate learning on conjunctions and fronted adverbials. The second piece will be a character description of a scary character like in The Witches. The children will learn how to write expanded noun phrases and prepositions. 

PE day:


Trips and class events:

4R Class Assembly - Thursday 17th October

End of term assembly - Thursday 19th December

Useful websites:

Please log on to This will help the children with their times tables. We will be using this a lot in year 4 to increase time table speed.