Personal Development at Bentley High Street Primary School
Our mission is to give pupils:
• An appreciation of the world around them
• An understanding of local, national and global news and events
• Aspirations so they can become anything they want!
• Exposure to different types of careers to open their eyes
• Knowledge to stay safe
• The empathy & compassion to give back to those who are less fortunate.
• A diverse rich curriculum so they understand and respect different religions, cultures and faiths
• Confidence, boldness and the vocabulary to communicate with a range of audiences and in different ways
At Bentley High Street Primary School we aim to cover all aspects of PSHE, SMSC and RSHE education in an age-appropriate way. This will help children to become resilient, independent and well-rounded citizens. Our SMSC teaching ensures that children are equipped with the necessary skills to be moral adults that live healthy lifestyles and take on opportunities beyond their horizons. We teach this through the PSHE scheme, Jigsaw.
Designed as a whole school approach, Jigsaw provides a comprehensive scheme of learning and covers all areas of PSHE for the primary phrase, as the table shows below.
At Bentley High Street, we have further developed our curriculum to link with our contextual needs in Bentley. We recognise our children need focused time to learn about:
- Railway safety
- Water safety
- Healthy relationship
- Child criminal exploitation
- Anti-bullying and Protected Characteristics
- Prevent
- Online safety
- Physical and mental health
This builds progressively from nursery to year 6. Key knowledge has been mapped out and is reviewed at the start of each Jigsaw lesson.
All aboard!
Each year we set ourselves a 'simply the best' challenge! This year we gave every child from Reception to Year 6 the opportunity to go on the train.
Bentley High Street sits alongside a railway track and many of our children travel through Bentley railway station every day so we regonise that railway safety is a key safeguarding risk for our context.
Also, the railway is a massive part of Doncaster's local history so this was a great opportunity for children to find out more about what makes Doncaster famous.
Children walked to Bentley station, travlled to Doncaster station and then came back to school. Little chances like this can make a big difference - we know at least 30 children had NEVER been on a train before this!
Our chosen charities
Our children researched and voted for a local charity that they will fundraise and support across the year.
This year the children voted for Doncaster Charity, Firefly.
Firefly is about living life to the full and enjoying every second of it. They are a Doncaster-based charity providing support and free transport to local cancer patients to regional treatment hospitals.
To find out more or to make a donation you can click on the link below:
Our Exceed chosen charities
As part of our trust school council, the children researched and voted for a local and national charity that all the children in the trust will fundraise and support across the year.
Our local charity is:
Eve Merton Dreams Trust
Fight the nightmare of cancer, with a Dream
The Eve Merton Dreams Trust was founded in early 2011. It is a non-profit organisation that donates the money it raises to help create a Dream, or grant a Wish, for both patient & families impacted by terminal & serious Cancer conditions.
Our national charity is:
Home is a human right. It's our foundation and it's where we thrive. Yet, every day millions of people are being devastated by the housing emergency.
We exist to defend the right to a safe home. Because home is everything.
Jigsaw Annual Overview
Puzzle name
Autumn 1
Being Me in My World
Includes understanding my place in the class, school and global community as well as devising Learning Charters
Autumn 2
Celebrating Difference
Includes anti-bullying (cyber and homophobic bullying included) and diversity
Spring 1
Dreams and Goals
Includes goal-setting, aspirations, working together to design and organise fund-raising events
Spring 2
Healthy Me
Includes drugs and alcohol education, self-esteem and confidence as well as healthy lifestyle choices
Summer 1
Includes understanding friendship, family and other relationships, conflict resolution and communication skills
Summer 2
Changing me
Includes sex and relationship education in the context of looking at change.