Sports Premium

'Simply The Best'

Providing opportunities for pupils to develop their physical, social, creative and personal skills through, high quality teaching, learning, leading and competing.  To ensure all staff have access to excellent CPD opportunities to help them deliver high quality physical education lessons to all pupils.

Creating positive experiences that will last a lifetime!

Sports Premium Grant

The documents below give details of how we are spending our Sports Premium Grant funding this year. Our sports premium and PE lead is Miss Smith.  She works alongside Governors to ensure spending is robust and used effectively. 

External partners:

At Bentley High Street we have many links with our local community, our external partners are an integral part of how the sports premium provides memorable experience for the children. 

Active 8 

Active8 provide additional sports and wellbeing coaches to enhance the school's curriculum


Fit4Rugby aims to be the leading provider of positive coaching of young players, achieving their potential and developing their skills in the game, with cooperation andrespect for others, investing in active lifestyles.



Swimming results