Mrs Gilbert
1G Class Teacher
Miss Round
1R Class Teacher
Mrs Boyles-Simpson
Mrs Dent
Our topic this term is …
During the first half term, we will be learning Mary Seacole and Florence Nightingale and why they were treated differently. We will find out what job they did and why they are important.
Our class novels this half term: We will read a range of stories by Judith Kerr including The Tiger Who Came to Tea, The Crocodile Under the Bed, Katinka’s Tale and The Mog stories.
Our behaviour focus: Terrific transitions within the classroom and when moving around school.
Maths Focus: Place value within 10, addition and subtraction within 10 and place value within 20.
English Focus: Writing sentences with a capital letter, finger gaps and full stops. Forming our letters correctly on the line guide.
PE day: Thursday
Trips and class events:
KS1 Nativity 10am and 2.30pm Friday 6th December
End of term assembly 11am Wednesday 18th December
Useful websites:
Mary Seacole for kids -
Florence Nightingale | Cartoon for kids | Fairy Tale | Story for Children | Stories for Ki - Bing video
speed Sounds Set 1,2 and 3 pronunciation and revision -