
Welcome to Foundation 2

Meet the Team

Mrs S Macphee

FM Teacher 

Miss H Ashton
FA Teacher

Miss McMahon

Miss Laverick 



Our topic this term is …

During the first half term, we will be learning about different celebrations including Harvest, Halloween, Bonfire, Diwali and Christmas. We will also be learning about the season of Autumn and observing the changes that it brings such as the leaves changing colour and falling from the trees and the weather turning colder.

Our class novels this half term: The Colour Monster, The Enormous Turnip, Monkey Puzzle, Owl Babies, Room on the Broom

Our behaviour focus: Following our golden rules on the carpet and in the corridor.

Maths Focus:

I can link numerals to amounts up to 5.

I can say 1 number name for each item when counting.

I can describe 2D shapes using words like sides and corners.

English Focus:

I can write all the lowercase letters of the alphabet.

I know and can write the first sound in simple words eg. c in cat.

I can trace then have a go on my own writing simple words using writing boxes to help me.

Our PE day is…


Trips and class events

Harvest Festival - 11th October 11:15pm - EYFS

Parent’s evening - 15th October 3.30-7.00pm

Nursery rhyme week - parent event - 13th November 9 - 9:30 & 2:30 - 3:00

F2 Nativity - 5th December 10am & 2:30 pm 

End of term achievement assembly - 18th December 10am

Useful websites: 

