Special Educational Needs & Disabilities

In our most recent parent questionniare, parents were asked what the best thing about our SEND provision was ... 

“Very understanding and supportive.”

“Flexibility around send children and support provided to both children and parents.”

“The help that is provided to help my child progress”

“Very supportive”


Our Special Educational Needs Coordinators are Mrs Cartwright and Mrs Davey.

They can be contacted by phoning 01302 874536 or by emailing admin@bentleyhighst.elp.org.uk

Each half term, we host SEND surgeries where any family can book an appointment to speak to us. We will keep you updated about these dates. 

SEND - Our Intent

The intent of Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) provision at Bentley High Street is that all pupils with SEND experience success; achieve well and develop as confident individuals. It is our intention that these pupils will receive a high-quality, stimulating, engaging and ambitious curriculum irrespective of need or disability. Therefore our curriculum ensures SEND children work towards the same ambitious end points as all children.


"The SENCO and my child have always had a very close bond since reception and I feel this has continued through the years. She not only supports him but supports me as a parent and helps anytime I need her to."


We believe in the importance of:

  • removing barriers
  • taking practical steps so that our environment, facilities, curriculum and practises are accessible to all.

We pride ourselves on early identification and intervention for SEND, ensuring that progress is tracked regularly and adjustments made in provision in light of ongoing monitoring.

Our aims include ensuring that the whole community including pupils, parents and staff have a firm belief that all pupils, including those with SEND are capable of achieving and are equip with the tools needed for this.

We want to ensure our SEND children become life-long learners that are creative, curious and independent both in school and the wider community.

We are responsive and think outside the box when it comes to solutions to meet our children with SEND’s needs. The children are given the opportunity to voice their wishes as we work in partnership with our children and of course draw upon the knowledge and expertise of parents and carers in relation to their child.

Furthermore, we work closely with a range of other agencies to ensure a well-thought out approach is enlisted.

We provide an accessible learning environment with reasonable adjustments made to allow all children to access learning including a broad and balanced curriculum that’s differentiated to meet need. Children are supported to reach their full potential despite difficulty or disability. They are provided with opportunities to develop confidence, self-esteem and resilience with their learning.

Additionally, we offer relevant training for all staff that is of a high quality to ensure consistency with supporting children with SEND as well as regularly reviewing policy and practise to ensure we achieve the best outcomes for all pupils.

At all times we comply with the SEND Code of practice (2014) and Equalities Act (2010) to ensure that we meet the needs of our children. 


"School SENCOs are very approachable and I found it helpful in the past to speak to them and try find some solutions to my problem."


The teaching of SEND pupils is a whole-school responsibility. Assessing, planning and teaching is a continuous cycle that all teachers are involved in. It is during this time that teachers consider the different abilities, aptitudes and interests of the pupils and who might require increased levels of support and provision. 

SEND pupils are included in all school activities and aspects of the school day. Reasonable adjustments will then be made when needed. All stakeholders have high aspirations for children with SEND and their contributions are valued and acknowledged. Children with SEND will be provided with quality first teaching whilst being encouraged to work independently and make progress at their level.

At Bentley High Street we aim for early identification before following a graduated response:

  • Identification of need including observation and evidence gathering. Concerns raised with the SENCo
  • Highly effective trained staff
  • Make reasonable adjustments in the classroom to meet need
  • Initiating a support plan to include target setting and regular review.
  • Involvement of outside professionals (CAHMS, ASCETS, Ed Psychologist, BOSS, SALT, OT, Physio, GDA assessment)
  • Top-up funding consideration
  • Application for Statutory assessment

We follow the cycle of assess, plan, do, review and make necessary adjustments in line with this to ensure our pupils with SEND can access our curriculum. Pre-teaching is given to pupils who require it to ensure that they can be successful when whole class learning takes place.

Children with SEND may have 1:1 or small group interventions and/or support. We use a range of targeted intervention programmes such as:

  • Precision teaching
  • Wellcomm
  • NELI
  • Rapid maths
  • Fluency project
  • Rapid reading
  • Reciprocal Reading

Children will be supported with their social and emotional skills. We have a pastoral team including a family support worker, learning mentor and mental health lead professional. Children may be offered mentoring on a 1:1 basis or within a small group dependant on need.

We ensure that all our teachers have the knowledge and expertise to support and teach children with SEND ensuring that staff training is provided.

Parents are involved at every stage when deciding the best approach for their child. We encourage parents to share their concerns and signpost them to outside support or information they may need.

We also ensure that SEND children recieve quality support in regard to realtionship education and learning how to stay safe. For some children subject to an Educational Health Care Plan, this approach is bespoke as we recognise this as an important aspect of SEND education. 



  • Our children with SEND feel safe, valued and happy.
  • Differences and diversity is celebrated and acknowledged as a positive
  • Children are engaged in their learning and show good progress no matter what form this takes place in.
  • Children make good progress based on their starting points.
  • Children have developed their independence and life skills.

SEND parent support 

Doncaster SENDIAS provides information, advice and support (IAS) to parents, carers, children and young people in relation to Special Educational Needs (SEN) and Disability and related health and social care issues.

Telephone: 01302 736920

Email: sendias@doncaster.gov.uk 




Doncaster Local Offer

The Local Offer provides information for children and young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) and their parents or carers in a single place. It shows families what they can expect from a range of local agencies including education, health and social care.



SENCO surgery and coffee morning dates

SEN Service

The Special Educational Needs (SEN) Service is responsible for carrying out Education, Health and Care (EHC) needs assessments and maintaining Education, Health and Care plans (EHCP). If you would like to speak to somebody regarding your child's EHC needs assessment or EHCP, please contact the Doncaster SEN Service on:

Telephone: 01302 737210 or 737211 or 737296 or 737209

Email: sen@doncaster.gov.uk

SEND Document