Miss Pearce
6P Class Teacher
Miss Marsden
6M Class Teacher
Mrs Hancock
Our topic this term is …
During the first half term, we will be learning about how different children in Europe were impacted during WWII.
Our class novels this half term: The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas by John Boyne
Our behaviour focus: Team stop
Maths Focus: Place value
English Focus: Writing a variety of sentence types
PE day: Friday
Trips and class events:
Eden Camp Museum - Monday 7th October
6P class assembly - Thursday 10th October @10am
Useful websites:
https://ttrockstars.com https://login.renaissance.com/12d2c6fd-2833-42cb-9017-8f0f4cc886ea?state=135e324a-8bce-4308-9d3b-ff5eafe33162