Our 104 place nursery offers place for children aged between 2-4
Class Teacher
Ms C Mason
Mrs S Hickman
Miss L Brown
Miss A Whittaker
Miss K Hickman
Our topic this term is …
During the first half term, we will be learning about the changes that Autumn brings such as the leaves changing colour and the weather turning colder. We will also be learning about the Autumn celebrations of Harvest, Diwali, Halloween and Christmas
Our class novels this half term:
The colour monster, the enormous turnip, the gingerbread man and stick man.
Our behaviour focus:
Super sitting and our golden rules.
Maths Focus:
I can say numbers in order beyond 5 sometimes correctly to 10.
I can create pictures using 2D shapes.
English Focus:
I can trace over my name.
I can draw curvy, changing and trickier lines
PE day:
Monday Morning
Friday Afternoon
Trips and class events:
Friday 11th Oct - Harvest festival at St. Peter’s church
11:15pm - EYFS
Wednesday 13th Nov - Nursery rhyme week - parent event 9 - 9:30 & 2:30 - 3:00
Useful websites:
The Colour Monster story https://youtu.be/W6wIEp-M4tg
The Enormous Turnip https://youtu.be/mGw5yTOPTSQ