The Government believes that pupil premium is the best way to address inequalities between pupils in specific groups. It is therefore used to tackle disadvantage in order to reach the pupils who need it most.
At Bentley High Street Primary School, we have incredibly high expectations for all pupils as we believe that all children have the ability to be ‘Simply The Best’. We believe that with quality first teaching, effective engagement with parents and a personalised approach to meeting needs; every child can achieve their potential. Our definition of potential includes the broader focus of education which can take place outside of school and the importance of developing children’s social and emotional skills including their ability to communicate in different ways for different purposes. Our key objective is that all children leave school with the confidence, ambition and skills to become effective learners in later education. Our curriculum is varied and rich, this contributes effectively to pupil’s outcomes so they are engaged and achieve well. Knowledge of the local context underpins the decision making in our curriculum which creates a bespoke approach to our community.
Key interventions are adopted on a whole school level and are not just restricted to pupils eligible to pupil premium funding. Some specific interventions and initiatives have been made possible by allocating pupil premium and catch up funding. We aim to use our knowledge of our pupil premium children and work collaboratively with pupils and families to target the individual needs of our pupil premium children, with the aim that they will do as well as their peers.
School leaders at Bentley High Street Primary are committed to ensuring that all of our disadvantage pupils, including those who are capable of achieving greater depth receive quality first teaching and that disadvantage children who have ‘fallen behind’ receive intervention and daily support.
Funding is allocated in the school budget by financial leave. The budget allows us to plan our intervention and support programme year on year based on the needs of the current cohort. When making decisions about allocating pupil premium funding, we have analysed our data and made use of research such as the Education Endowment Foundation and the Sutton Trust. Expenditure is reviewed, planned by academic year as shown in this plan
Pupil Premium Leads:
Miss Kidd-Pupil Premium Lead
Mrs Saunders-Staff Governor
Associate Leads:
Mrs Davies - Mental Health Lead
Miss Parks - Attendance
Mrs Davey and Mrs Cartwright - SENCO